del Añasco - Taino section• Rio Añasco
• Class II – III – 8 Miles – 3-4 hours
• Good for first time rafters
• Location – Puerto Rico
Rio Añasco (Añasco River), Taino Section, 8 Mile, Class II-III (3-4 hours) This is a great day trip for the whole family, with its lush vegetated banks, it’s challenging rapids, wildlife and its scenery of the surrounding mountains you can’t ask for anything more. This section is also very rich in Taino history dating back to the Spanish settlers, and the story of Diego Saucedo. Puerto Rico Rios Rafting Company will make sure that safety is number one.
We provide every guest with all the necessary equipment (Helmet, Lifejacket, Paddle) All our guides are First Aid and CPR certified. We give you a full safety talk where we cover all the do’s and don’ts of whitewater rafting. Midway down the river we stop and have a picnic lunch where we provide sandwiches, fruit, snacks, juice and water. With its easy access, this is the best adventure on the Island of Puerto Rico.
Rio Añasco One Day Prices:
Monday-Friday $109.00 per person
Saturday-Sunday $129.00 per person
• Rio Grande Del Añasco – Taino Section
• Class II – III – 8 Miles – 3-4 hours
• Good for first time rafters
• Location – Puerto Rico
The Rio Grande Del Anasco, Taino Section is an 8 Mile stretch which meanders through lush Puerto Rican rainforest. The scenery is flourishing with bright red and pink flowers and lush green riverbanks for your viewing enjoyment as you paddle down the one and only commercial rafting river in all of Puerto Rico.
This deep river valley divides the two Municipalities of Las Marias and San Sebastian . There is historical significance on this section in the circa 1511 the story of Diego Salcedo a conquistador and the Taino Native Indians occurred on this stretch of river. According to river legend, his death at the hands of the indigenous Taíno people ignited the Taíno rebellion of 1511. According to the story, Salcedo died in 1511, during a trip to Puerto Rico, when Taínos, under the command of Agüeybaná II (brother of the great Taino Cacique Agüeybaná) and the Cacique of Añasco, Urayoán, drowned him in the Río Grande de Añasco. Urban legend says that the Tainos, fearing that the Spaniards might be gods, refrained from harming them. After suffering under the Spaniards for so long, the Tainos, by order of Agüeybaná, ambushed Salcedo as he was drinking water at the edge of a river. Fearing that Salcedo might resurrect after three days—based on their understanding of the Christian teachings wielded by Catholic priests—they sat around for three days waiting for Salcedo to come back from the dead, but all they saw was Salcedo’s body rotting due to the heat just as they would. At that moment the Tainos realized that these were no gods. Supposedly,, this Urban legend happened right on the river you will be conquering on your outdoor adventure with us!
Rio Anasco (Taino Section) has Class II-III rapids. Some of the more memorable rapids you will conquer include; Bien Venidos, Saucedo, El Taino, and Guaraquao. Tropical birds, iguanas, and fish can be seen while you are out on your river excursion with Puerto Rico Rios. This section has tranquil parts of the river that one can get out and swim along the side the boat.
This rio also has several tributaries with gorgeous cascading waterfalls. Our company loves to stop, take short hikes, enjoy a lunch on the banks of the Anasco. Swimming and recreating in natures splendor is a top priority at Puerto Rico Rios Rafting Company and we hope you take a little time to enjoy it with us this season!
Halfway through the trip, we stop to eat a lunch (that’s included) with the trip. Ham and cheese sandwiches along with fresh fruit, cookies, chips is our traditional river lunch. Juice and cold water are provided for hydration.
The Rio Grande Anasco- Taino Section is perfect for people of all ages looking for some fun in the sun. Participants 7 years and 50lbs to 70 years old will find this section perfect. The right amount of excitement along with breath taking scenery makes this the ideal rafting choice in Puerto Rico.
Please contact us for more info and pricing.